• The BCS Code

    The BCS Code

    The BCS CODE is an own developed cryptographic algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS which is the ... Read More
  • The VETH Box

    The VETH Box

    A device based on the own developed algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS, which can give you a secret and protected data saving possibility from any kind of PC. Read More
  • The VETH Line

    The VETH Line

    A device based on the own developed algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS, which can give you a secret and protected data transfer possibility between two or more PCs. Read More
  • The VETH Voice

    The VETH Voice

    A device based on the own developed algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS, which can give you a secret and protected voice transfer possibility among any kind of handy. Read More
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The BCS CODE is an own developed cryptographic algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS, which is the basis of more VETH crypto graphical devices.


Thy cryptography becomes a separate discipline for today. It has got a strongly mathematic aspect, interdisciplinary, but principally IT discipline, which deal with encryption, decryption, coding, decoding and all the process of them. Originally, before the XIX century, it was reputed as a part of Philology. Nowadays, it is reputed as a part of Mathematics. During a communication process, we can say for a “plain text”, that it is encrypted, if the sender sends the message in so form, which could be received or read by others, too, but only the receiver (or a determined group of receivers) can understand. The intention for secrecy is a natural part of the human societies. Which are important mostly the national security agencies, military agencies, state organisation, diplomatic corps, the different researcher agencies or centres, banks, so kind of institutes, which have personal or sensitive information and data, and so on. It means it is important for almost everybody. So the cryptography became a part of our everyday activity. Sometimes people cannot see when they use it during their activities. We call “plain text” the message, what we would like to encrypt. The “Algorithm” is that “gadget”, which transform the plain text to “cypher text” during the encryption process. The encrypted plain text is so called “cypher text”. The using of the algorithm for the plain text is so called encryption or coding. The plain text can be a mathematic sequence as the Cypher text, so according to this the encryption algorithm is a mathematic process. It has to be injective, because the addressee or receiver has to be able to decrypt the cypher text to get back the original plain text. This process is the decryption or decoding.

According to these and the market demand, as a result of a more year research and generative work, the VETH Systems has worked up its own cryptographic solution, the “BCS Code”. On the basis of this was developed the “VETH Line”, which can give you a secure and protected data communication among PCs, the “VETH Voice”, which can give you a secure and protected possibility of talks among handy the “VETH Box”, which can give you a secure and protected data saving process.