• The BCS Code

    The BCS Code

    The BCS CODE is an own developed cryptographic algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS which is the ... Read More
  • The VETH Box

    The VETH Box

    A device based on the own developed algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS, which can give you a secret and protected data saving possibility from any kind of PC. Read More
  • The VETH Line

    The VETH Line

    A device based on the own developed algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS, which can give you a secret and protected data transfer possibility between two or more PCs. Read More
  • The VETH Voice

    The VETH Voice

    A device based on the own developed algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS, which can give you a secret and protected voice transfer possibility among any kind of handy. Read More
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A device based on the own developed algorithm of VETH SYSTEMS, which can give you a secret and protected voice transfer possibility among any kind of handy. (Bluetooth possibility is necessary)

A VETH Systems megalakulása óta és „Haditechnikai Tevékenységi” engedélyének birtokában több olyan eszközt gyártott, Since the founding, the VETH SYSTEMS produced more so kind of gadgets, with which the different units of the Hungarian Armed Forces were protected successfully abroad. In the recent past (because of Edward Snowden’s activity) there was transpired, that our governmental, private and business data are not in secure in contrast to the statement of different governmental authorities. It seems, that the tapping and the data gathering (and also the spreading of these information) in the business and private life are common activities of the Services.

According to these and the market demand, as a result of a more year research and generative work, the VETH Systems has worked up its own cryptographic solution, the “BCS Code”. On the basis of this was developed and integrated the “VETH Voice”, which can give you a secure and protected voice transfer among the Handy.

The advantage of VETH VOICE

It uses “traditional” GSM line, there is not necessary internet connection. This is platform free, it is working with OS, Android, BB10 and Windows systems, too. There is not necessary to install any additional application. There is no any additional fee and working on any type of Handy, which has Bluetooth ability.

The processing of VETH VOICE

The VETH Voice is a credit card measure device. It can connect to the protected phone via Bluetooth. After the calling initiation, the device checks that the taker has or not similar device. If the taker hasn’t, so the calling will be realised as in normal case through the GSM channel. There is no key generation or encryption. If the taker has similar VETH VOICE device, so the devices recognise each other, change an encryption key automatically and there will be built up an encrypted GSM channel. The chat between the Handies will be protected and coded. When the conversation finished the encryption key will be deleted from the devices. For a new conversation there will be generated a new encryption key. The whole encryption/decryption of the voice is realised in the VETH devices, so the traditional Handies transfer the encrypted and protected voice, only. The VETH Voice is not dedicated to any mobile phone, it is working on any type of Handy, which has Bluetooth ability.